Weighted statistics and the t-test

Sometimes the sample data we have doesn’t represent the population well. For example, maybe you run a survey and the response rate is higher for males than females. If the variables we want to analyse differ by the unbalanced groups (e.g. gender), then all our summary statistics will be biased. If we know the desired proportions for the groups (e.g. based on population data), we can use weighting to correct this.

Create sample

In our example data we have 6 measurements from males and 4 from females (so 60% male). Let’s say in the population we know it’s actually 50% male, so they’re over-represented in our sample. If the measurement differs by gender, the mean will be biased towards males. However, we can correct this be weighting the measurements by the actual/target proportion as below.

test_sample = pd.DataFrame({'gender': ['male']*6 + ['female']*4,
                            'gender_bin': [1]*6 + [0]*4,
                            'measurement': [2.5]*4 + [1]*2 + [4.5]*4

current_male_prop = 0.6
population_male_prop = 0.5
male_weight = population_male_prop/current_male_prop

current_female_prop = 0.4
population_female_prop = 0.5
female_weight = population_female_prop/current_female_prop

test_sample['weights'] = test_sample['gender'].map(lambda x: female_weight if x=='female'
                                                   else male_weight)

print('Unweighted mean = {:.3f}'.format(test_sample['measurement'].mean()))
print('Male weight = {:.2f}, female weight = {}'.format(male_weight, female_weight))
Unweighted mean = 3.0
Male weight = 0.83, female weight = 1.25

Weighted mean

The weighted mean is the values multiplied by the weights, and divided by the sum of the weights. By weighting the results, we reduce the effect of the males on the average and increase the effect of the females, rebalancing them so that the end the result is the same as if we had the correct proportion of observations in each group. Note, we’re assuming the samples are representative of the male/female populations (i.e. we’re not correcting for other biases, e.g. self-selection bias in the case of surveys).

\[\bar{x}_\text{weighted} = \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n (x_iw_i)}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n(w_i)}\]
test_sample['weights'] = test_sample['gender'].map(lambda x: female_weight if x=='female'
                                                   else male_weight)

weighted_measure_sum = sum(test_sample['measurement'] * test_sample['weights'])
sum_weights = sum(test_sample['weights'])

weighted_mean = weighted_measure_sum / sum_weights
print('Weighted mean = {:.3f}'.format(weighted_mean))
Weighted mean = 3.250

Weighted variance & standard deviation

For the variance we want to compare the actual values to the corrected mean (weighted mean), then weight the squared differences and divide by the sum of weights to get the corrected average.

\[\hat\sigma^2_w = \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n w_i(x_i - \mu^*)^2}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n(w_i)}\]

Thinking this through it makes sense, the weighted mean is the ‘correct mean’ so we want to know the deviation of the values from that. Then we weight the deviations so that the effect of the male observations on the average is reduced as before.

squared_diffs = np.array([(x - weighted_mean)**2 for x in test_sample['measurement']])
sum_squared_diffs = np.dot(squared_diffs.T, test_sample['weights'].values)
weighted_variance = sum_squared_diffs / sum_weights
weighted_std_dev = weighted_variance**0.5
print('Weighted variance = {:.3f}'.format(weighted_variance))
print('Weighted standard deviation = {:.3f}'.format(weighted_std_dev))
Weighted variance = 1.812
Weighted standard deviation = 1.346

Weighted t-test

We can now use our weighted mean and weighted standard deviation directly in a t-test, just remember n or nobs is sum(weights). Let’s assume we have two samples (control and variant), and want to compare their weighted means (assuming both were equally impacted by the imbalance).

Create a second sample

For convenience, I’ll just use the same data, but add some difference to the measurements.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

target_proportion = 0.5

test_sample_b = pd.DataFrame({'gender': ['male']*6 + ['female']*4,
                              'gender_bin': [1]*6 + [0]*4,
                              'measurement': [3.5]*4 + [1]*2 + [4.6]*4

male_prop_b = target_proportion / test_sample_b['gender_bin'].mean()
female_prop_b = target_proportion / (1 - test_sample_b['gender_bin'].mean())

test_sample_b['weights'] = test_sample_b['gender'].map(lambda x: female_prop_b if x=='female'
                                                       else male_prop_b)

Calculate the weighted mean and standard deviation

def weighted_statistics(values, weights):
    values: numpy array of measurements
    weights: numpy array of weights to apply to values (should be same length)
    Returns: weighted mean, weighted standard deviation, and the sum of the weights
    sum_of_weights = sum(weights)
    weighted_sum_of_values = np.dot(values.T, weights)
    weighted_mean = weighted_sum_of_values / sum_of_weights
    diffs_from_mean = np.array([x-weighted_mean for x in values])
    sum_squares = np.dot((diffs_from_mean**2).T, weights)
    weighted_stddev = np.sqrt(sum_squares / sum_of_weights)
    return weighted_mean, weighted_stddev, sum_of_weights

weighted_mean_a, weighted_stddev_a, sum_of_weights_a = weighted_statistics(values=np.array(test_sample_a['measurement']), 

weighted_mean_b, weighted_stddev_b, sum_of_weights_b = weighted_statistics(values=np.array(test_sample_b['measurement']), 

print('A: weighted mean = {:.3f}, weighted std dev = {:.3f}'.format(weighted_mean_a, weighted_stddev_a))
print('B: weighted mean = {:.3f}, weighted std dev = {:.3f}'.format(weighted_mean_b, weighted_stddev_b))
A: weighted mean = 3.250, weighted std dev = 1.346
B: weighted mean = 3.633, weighted std dev = 1.276

Apply Welch’s t-test

Ho: mean of A = mean of B
Ha: mean of A != mean of B

from scipy.stats import t

mean_variances = [weighted_stddev_a**2/sum_of_weights_a, weighted_stddev_b**2/sum_of_weights_b]
t_value = (weighted_mean_b - weighted_mean_a)/np.sqrt(sum(mean_variances))
t_df = int( sum(mean_variances)**2 / 
            ( ( mean_variances[0]**2 / (sum_of_weights_a - 1) ) 
            + ( mean_variances[1]**2 / (sum_of_weights_b - 1) ) ) 

t_prob = t.cdf(abs(t_value), t_df)
p_val = 2*(1-t_prob)
print('t-statistic = {:.3f}, p-value = {:.3f}'.format(t_value, p_val))
t-statistic = 0.653, p-value = 0.522


Alternatively, there are a number of statistical packages that can handle weights. E.g. the above is almost identical to the approach used in the package statsmodels.stats.weightstats:

from statsmodels.stats.weightstats import ttest_ind

tstat, pval, dof = ttest_ind(test_sample_b['measurement'],
                             weights=(test_sample_b['weights'], test_sample_a['weights']),

print('t-statistic = {:.3f}, p-value = {:.3f}'.format(tstat, pval))
t-statistic = 0.620, p-value = 0.543

References: Wikipedia, statsmodels